Madrasah Sebagai Wadah Character Building

On Rabu, Juni 26, 2019

Pendidikan adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari peradaban manusia. Penyelenggaraan berbagai jenis pendidikan oleh negara maupun masyarakat, muaranya adalah membangun manusia beradab. Kurikulum pendidikan sekolah/madrasah didesain, tidak lain tujuannya adalah menjadikan peserta didik yang memiliki bekal dalam kehidupan untuk menuju hari esok yang lebih baik. Esensi pendidikan adalah pendidikan karakter.

Madrasah Sebagai Wadah Character Building

Hal itulah yang diadopsi dalam Peraturan Presiden. Dalam Perpres No.87 Pasal 1 ayat 1 disebutkan bahwa pendidikan karakter adalah Gerakan pendidikan di bawah tanggung jawab satuan pendidikan untuk memperkuat karakter peserta didik melalui harmonisasi olah hati, olah rasa, olah pikir, dan olah raga dengan pelibatan dan kerja sama antara satuan pendidikan, keluarga, dan masyarakat sebagai bagian dari Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental. Ada 18 (delapan belas) nilai karakter yang ingin dicapai melalui Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental. Nilai-nilai yang tercakup sebanyak 18 (delapan belas) karakter yang ingin dicapai melalui pendidikan antara lain : Religius, Semangat Kebangsaan, Kreatif, Jujur, Mandiri, Gemar Membaca, Toleran, Tanggung Jawab, Demokratis, Peduli Lingkungan, Disiplin, Menghargai Prestasi, Rasa Ingin Tahu, Peduli Sosial, Kerja Keras, dan Komunikatif.

Dalam pendidikan karakter ada 3 prinsip yaitu :
  1. Berorientasi pada berkembangnya potensi peserta didik secara menyeluruh dan terpadu;
  2. Keteladanan dalam penerapan pendidikan karakter pada masing-masing lingkungan pendidikan;
  3. Berlangsung melalui pembiasaan dan sepanjang waktu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
  4. Pendidikan Karakter dilaksanakan dengan tidak menambah mata pelajaran/mata kuliah tersendiri.
Dalam buku Statistik Pendidikan Islam Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 tercatat jumlah lembaga RA, MI, MTs, dan MA adalah 77.336 lembaga dengan jumlah siswa 9.452.347 merupakan potensi sangat besar untuk suksesnya Pendidkan Karakter. Pendidikan karakter pada madrasah meliputi RA, MI, MTs dan MA dilakukan dengan Inovasi Implementasi Kurikulum dan Pengembangan Kultur Madrasah. Pada Inovasi implementasi kurikulum terdiri dari Pengembangan Kultur Madrasah, Integrasi dalam mata pelajaran yang ada, Integrasi dalam mata pelajaran muatan lokal. Pada Pengembangan Kultur Madrasah terdiri dari Pembudayaan dan pembiasaan perilaku, Penguatan ekstrakurikuler, Bimbingan konseling. Pendidikan penguatan karakter di Madrasah harus menerapkan pendekatan holistic (menyeluruh) dengan melalui berbagai model pembelajaran antara lain Project based learning, Mobile classroom (beyond moving class), temu tokoh, temu masyarakat, Pembiasaan membaca, menulis dan berbicara secara efektif, Kewirausahaan dan lain-lain.

Beberapa contoh kegiatan produktif siswa madrasah yang relevan dengan pendidikan karakter antara lain :
  • Membangun Tradisi Membaca misalnya satu bulan satu buku, Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membangun karakter dan kemampuan peserta didik dalam menulis dan berbicara efektif serta berpikir kritis;
  • Membangun Budaya Bersih dan Sehat, Karater yang diharapkan muncul melalui kegiatan ini: jujur, kepedulian terhadap keselamatan bumi dan membangun jaringan (networking);
  • Menghormati Orang Lain, melalui kegiatan ini akan lahir sikap hormat (respect), jujur, berpikir reflective (muhasabah), juga menjadi media komunikasi dengan orang.
Demikian artikel dengan judul Madrasah Sebagai Wadah Character Building yang Abdi Madrasah kutip dari situs resmi Pendis Kemenag RI, semoga ada manfaatnya.

The Characteristics of Madrasah Education

On Rabu, November 11, 2015

Companions Abdima,
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) includes formal education which implementation is managed by the ministry of religion, but the curriculum is integrated with the national education curriculum, resulting in madrasah least reduced (if not arguably lost) religious spirit. However madrasah worth declared successful in character education, proved up to now one has never happened brawl among students in the madrasah, or among students of madrasah with students of other schools.

The Characteristics of Madrasah Education

Reality shows that the practice of national education curriculum created and arranged in such a way even been refined many times, not only failed to show a human figure with a personality intact, even it is difficult to imagine its realization. Once the moral depravity and mental widespread and rampant, then realize that moral education has been done over the justification of political education oriented towards any interpretation that was born on the blessing of the ruling regime and stop the realm of cognition.

Moral development efforts aimed at improving human dignity in accordance with the ideals contained in the national legislation has been ruled out and become short of expectations. Educational success quantitatively based on the theory of Benjamin S. Bloom (1956), known by the name of the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, which includes three domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Nevertheless, the success of the output (graduate) education is a cognitive success. As evidence, learners who seldom pray, never fasting, may be able to answer test questions religious subjects well and can pass and he can also be accepted at the level of higher education.

As with the outcome (performance) of a madrassa alumnus, however, the value of report cards and exam results, the inherent religious moral attitudes and behavior will become a benchmark for the success of the educational institution where he studied. That's why the successful outcome of affective and psychomotor called success. For madrasah education institutions, two standards of success (output and outcome) that includes three domains taxonomy of educational objectives, can not be separated, because the Madrasah educate mental intelligence, emosial, intellectual spiritual side. That's a plus madrasah than public schools that emphasize coaching intellectual intelligence (cognitive aspect) only.

The emergence of regional autonomy and decentralization in education, which aims to provide opportunities for learners to acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that can contribute to society, not surprising madrasah managers. Madrasah also survive in conditions of rapid changes in the curriculum, because life madrasah "imitation" to the national curriculum. Decentralized management authorizes the school to implement PMB conditioned as the need for local needs. Thus, the madrasah get more fresh air to be able to exist in regulating the activity without the intervention of the central government in order to achieve improved quality of education.

Through the process of teaching and learning that is based on local needs, the curriculum is not burdened with any other material that actually have or even irrelevant to the improvement of knowledge and skills of students in these levels. The effectiveness of teaching and learning processes are expected to be achieved resulting in higher academic achievement. Here, madrasah emerged as educational institutions seeking to establish a paradigm and system integration of educational attainment of intellectual competence and moral competence.

Madrasah has its own character, related to the history and development that is emerging very accentuate the value of religious communities which stems from Islamic madrasah; reformist zeal which developed madrasah reforms undertaken Muslim community in response to concerns over the speed of the development of Dutch schooling that will be lead to secular thought in society.

From the religious character can be developed into obedient character, discipline, responsibility, honesty, trust, respect for diversity, democracy, respect for the opinions and work of others, as well as open, while the character can be developed into a character reformist spirit of learning, creative, innovative, hard working, think positive, spirited entrepreuneur, sportsmanship, patriotism, national paradigm, global perspective, independent, working together, sosial spirited and confident.

The character education in schools, all of the components (stakeholders) should be involved, including the components of education itself, ie the curriculum, learning and assessment, quality of relationships, handling or management subjects, school management, the implementation of the activities or co-curricular activities, empowerment infrastructure, financing, and work ethic of all citizens and the school environment.

Character education is not just a complete and comprehensive form students to be smart and well personally, but also mold them into good actors for change in her own life, which in turn will donate the change in the social order to be more fair, kind, and humane.

Thus a notes of The Characteristics of Madrasah Education, Hope it is useful._Abdima

Madrasah Must Be Laboratory Of Religious Education

On Kamis, Oktober 15, 2015

Companions Abdima,
Pesantren and madrasah is the root of education in Indonesia. Pesantren and madrasah have produced many leaders in the field of education, religion (scholars), statesman even hero, so it can not be denied the role and contribution to the character with establishment of the Nation, such as Wahid Hashim, Hamka, Hasyim Muzadi, Mahfud MD.

Madrasah Must Be Laboratory Of Religious Education

In the contemporary context, encountered symptom of moral decline that is really worrying, such as fraud, deceit, oppression, and harm each other, even fight each other which not only affects adults but also among the students, as a generation, have tarnished the credibility of the education.

It was time for madrasah to act more minimizing the deterioration of the nation and mankind in general, as well as the role of madrasah Baitul Hikmah during the golden age of Islam, which has contributed greatly to progress Islam. This role should be transferred by madrasah to be applied at this time, so it is going to become a laboratory of religion education and research center of scientific activity, which gave the intellectual leaders in various disciplines.

Similarly madrasah expected to be part of the center of excellence. Madrasah is an islamic educational institution or public institution that has Islamic characteristics. It become one of role model for Muslims. The functions and duties of madrasah are to realize the ideals of Muslims and to build a generation of people who believe, bookish knowledge and global perspective, in order to achieve world peace and the life hereafter.

Madrasah Indonesia Began To Be Known By The People Of The World

On Jumat, Oktober 09, 2015

Madrasah Indonesia began to be known by the people of the world

Companions Abdima,
The word Madrasah is better and better the driving spirit of progress into Madrasah. Diractorate of Madrasah Education is very serious attempts to advance education at Madrasah. Various programs have been created and implemented including the existence of a program to diversify the madrasah.

The madrasah is formal educational institutions such as schools however that distinguishes the madrasa is a school that has a hallmark of Islamic knowledge. Apparently the existence of Madrasah in Indonesia have started to be viewed by the world community proved at some time ago Diractorate of Madrasah Education received the guest teachers from Australia who want to know more about madrasah.

Teachers from Australia schools

Around 40 teachers from Australia schools visit the Diractorate of Madrasah Education. They are from different schools : Pakenham Consolidated School, Tyabb Railway Station Primary School, Burnside State High School, Port Lincoln Junior Primary School, Hasting Public School, St. Marys Collage Syomour Victoria, Cleveland District State High School etc. They want to know more about madrasah.

Mr. Abdullah Faqih (as Networking chairman of Madrasah Directorate) and Mr. Mustofa Fahmi (as chairman for madrasah teacher affair) welcome them. Both gave some important about the recent development of madrasah in Indonesia. Some vidoes about madrasah were also presented.

Their arrival indicates that the Madrassa in Indonesia now began to be known by the people of the world and this visit should be used as a promotional tool for existence and the advancement of Madrasah in the eyes of the world.

Such information about Madrasah Indonesia began to be known by the people of the world, hopefully there is benefit. _ the man of Madrasah